How To Quickly Lose Alexa Rank

Penilaian alexa berdasarkan IP address yang berkunjung pada blog kita, jadi semakin beragam IP address yang berkunjung di blog kita maka akan semakin kecil alexa rank kita. Dengan kata lain, ketika kita ingin menurunkan alexa kita maka otomatis kita harus mencari pengunjung dari berbagai IP address. Tapi ada Cara Cepat Menurunkan  Alexa Rank ini hampir sama dengan yang dilakukan kebanyakan sobat blogger, Lihat trik dibawah ini:
  1. Yang paling diwajibkan paling pertama sekali adalah sobat harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu ke untuk kemudian memasang widget Alexa rank pada halaman blog, ini adalah pendekatan tahap awal.

  1. Instal alexa toolbar pada komputer, hal ini akan membuat pihak alexa merasa senang karena fitur mereka telah kalian gunakan. Selain itu, memasang alexa toolbar ini juga akan bisa mengetahui alexa rang blog atau web yang kita kunjungi.

  1. Pasang alexa widget pada blog kalian untuk memudahkan pihak alexa melihat dan mengontrol blog kalian

  1. Ikut berkontribusi sebagai pengguna produk - produk dari Alexa karena ini akan membuat alexa tersanjung dan jatuh cinta kepada blog kita.  Buat sobat yang menggunakan Mozilla sebagai media browsernya silahkan install Alexa Sparky melalui tools Add-ons mozilla firefox,  atau silahkan gunakan Toolbar Alexa  yang bisa sobat Download melalui website penyedianya. Kedua produk Alexa ini sekaligus memudahkan kita untuk mengontrol perkembangan  kemajuan blog kita melalui grafik yang akan muncul di atas taskbar layar monitor setelah kita menginstallnya.

  1. Blog anda harus masuk dalam sepuluh besar google, karena pengunjung terbanyak adalah pengunjung yang menggunakan fasilitas shearching google.

  1. Blog Wallking adalah jurus ampuh untuk menaklukan hati Alexa. Cara Paling Cepat Menurunkan  Alexa Rank dengan trik ini terbukti akan memberikan perubahan yang signifikan pada Alexa Rank. Dan sebagai alternatif utama untuk Menurunkan  Alexa Rank.

  1. Gunakanlah fasilitas internet seperti chatting, forum diskusi online atau yang lain untuk memperkenalkan blog kalian

  1. Buatlah sebuah artikel mengenai Alexa, "hawa" Alexa akan merasa bangga apabila di puja - puja itu bisa membuatnya semakin mencintai blog kita.

  1.  Selalu perbarui konten blog kalian. Isi postingan ini juga sangat mempengruhi alexa.,.

  1. Nah untuk trik yang ke 5 ini mungkin sepele namun patut untuk sobat coba dan terapkan karena ini adalah salah satu Cara Paling Cepat Menurunkan  Alexa Rank yang belum terungkapkan. Berlama - lamalah di blog sobat, bukalah sebuah tab baru untuk halaman blog sobat dan biarkanlah dia merana sendirian hayah...! maksudnya adalah biarkan halaman blog kita tetap terbuka selama berada dalam jaringan dunia maya. Percaya atau tidak tergantung dari keyakinan sobat.

  1. Bila perlu gunakan HP kalian untuk sms teman kalian untuk memperkenalkan blog kalian.

  1. Dan untuk trik terakhir adalah sederhana, tidak ada jalan yang lebih baik selain berusaha dan berdoa...

Cara ini paling mudah dilakukan untuk Cara Cepat Menurunkan  Alexa Rank
Dan terbukti berhasil AM2 sendiri mengalaminya jika anda punya pendapat lain share ke saya Good luck
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Flash resistant virus

Here I give tips for FLASHDISK you safe from virus attacks. By leveraging the existing Unicode characters on windows. Because the virus itself rata2 not support unicode characters. 
1. Create a folder in your fdisk, and then give the name "autorun.inf" (without sign)

2. Go into the folder you just created and create a notepad document therein. The trick right click, select NEW>> TEXT DOCUMENT, and give any name for the file you just created. This name, we will replace it with some special characters.

3. After that, open the Character Map program in the START>> ALL PROGRAMS> ACCESORIES> SYSTEM TOOLS> CHARACTER MAP.

4. After CHARACTER MAP is open, choose fonts that have unicode embel2, such as Arial Unicode or Lucida Sans Unicode. Scroll down until you see huruf2 Japan, Korea, China, atou karakter2 other strange.

5. Choose 4 or 5 characters that you want, then click copy.

6. Rename the text file that you created in step 2 above. Right-click on the file, select rename, then press [CTRL] + [V]. The file name was changed.

7. Done!

 For other ways you can use an existing triangle sign on antivirus smadav
Good luck

Creating Folders Or Files Without a Name

Seeing Buddy Penahkah folder without name Here's the trick

The trick right click and rename the folder or shortcut you want to rename. Then type [Alt] + [0160] "At the same time" (this is an invisible space character). In writing 0160, you must use the numbers on the numeric keypad (top right of the keyboard).

Hiding Folders Through Notepad

Oke Langsung ke TKP

Kate Mas Parto]

title rahasia
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Do You Want To Lock This Folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid Choice ( Y=yes , N=no ).
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo This Folder Is Locked
goto End
echoenter password
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==masukanPassword goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Unlocked
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
Good Luck

Stimulating Memory RAM

This makes MEMORY MANAGEMENT in the Windows system will run more effectively. Here goes the steps
1. Open the Start menu or Run
2. Press Winkew + R tulisakan "regedit"
3. Then hover over the button

4. In the right pane look for "Desable Paging Executive"Click 2 times on these values

5. The contents of the data value with the value "1 " click ok

6. Large double proceed by clicking "System Cache"

7. The contents of the data value with the value "1 " click ok..

8. Close the Registry Editor window
9. Reboot your PC
10. View results

Faster than previous

Overcoming Autorun Virus

Auto play is the ability to menajalankan command window created in the "file" autorun.inf or "autorun.exe" when the portable storage medium is detected by the windows system. Mass virus now they actually use fitus transmission is very high. General characteristics Suddenly the file "autorun.inf" on the flash, where users do not know because mingkin attribunya is "hidden" and "system" even though the position of the folder option "show hidden files and folders" is running but still does not appear. Foreign folders suddenly appear in a flash in the attribute "hidden" If using a deliberately embed a file "Autorun.inf", the contents of the file will be changed and replaced with the command code of the virus. file "Autorun.inf" to the beginning of this marker is the flash-infected or not. The How adaah as follows: Search icon image format (*. ico) that you like Open notepad. typing the code below [Autorun] open = gambar.ico icon = filename, 0 Berinama Autorun.inf  
to the root directory Fashdisk Click Save As Then change the attributes of the file "Autorun.inf" earlier right-click Properties check "Read-only" click ok Then copy and paste "the image file name. Ico" create an Autorun.inf file Eject Last See Your flash icon Description: If at that moment you plug another kekomputer, you will see the icon. If all of a sudden the icon does not appear, then flash your way around the affected virus scanning. And writing is the red of your image file name.

Caring flash so durable

Flash is a storage medium that also require treatment
that data or files not missing this. How to treat flash

1. Do not wetAlthough many brandsadmitted waterproof or water resistant, but it would be nice if kept away from water.
2. Keep away from strong magnetic fields Electronic goods Flashdrive untu not very good. For that you should not store near similar items that have a very large field meganet.
3. Keep away from heat All electronic items are very susceptible to heat namaya. So try to place stores not hot and not exposed to direct sunlight. 

4. Minimize remove the write process Just as we flash also been outstanding. This means that one day we can die and not bergunalagi flash. He also vary depending on quality and brand 10000-100000 times between erase the writing process. So minimize tersbut process and also edit directly from flash 
5. Avoid the crunch Imagine if you fell down the stairs should be avoided because of pain and flash to make the components contained in the flash was biased hilarious.
6. Close alwaysfilled the air and our environment with dust and dirt. If the plugs are dirty, can cause the flash process of reading and writing often fails. So close selalubiar not dirty. 
7. Eject ProcessIn addition to process before moving out or disconnect from the USB port. It can also make flash durable or long-lived.
8. Virus scan is currently taking data or when the transfer from computer to computer viruses can come without being noticed and without copy and paste this could happen to anyone, but if you sebulum open files from the flash will be fun at first scan using antivirus.

Lock the USB port of Registry

Do you know if flasdisk is where bernaungnya virus that can spread if the embedded computer flasdisk which we certainly do not want. What's the solution? The solution is a USB access mendesable us see how: 
1. Open the Start Menu Run Write "regedit" 
2. Then hover over the button

3. In the right window on the "Start"Click 2 times on these values
4. The contents of the data value with the value "4 " click ok

5. Restart your Pc


But if you plug a flash or related hadware see the USB ports will not be readable by a computer if Remember mengaktifkanya replace the number "4" so "3" sema steps as above good luck

Change the song Booting windows

Are you bored when every turn on the computer always appear the same sound, but sekara not anymore because you can change the song in the following manner: 
1. Click Start Control Panel 
2. Click on "Sounds and Audio Devices" 
3. Select the tab "Sound"

4. click on the "Start Windows" Select browser

4. Find File.mp3 
5. Look at your computer song 
6. Click Ok

Then listen to the result of luck okeeeeee Restart

Overcoming the command prompt that can not be opened

 We often need a command prompt but if the command prompt can not be opened
How 1: 
system scans the area smadav dah pake checked all .. and then run a deep scan .. klo already please fix registry ..

Method 2:

kalo pake ya this way can not, try aja deh ...

The first way:

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Type: file: / / / c: / windows/system32/cmd.exe

3. Press the space / enter, will form a link (blue)

4.Tekan ctrl while clicking the link may open in CMD.

Second way:

Create a batch file in notepad contents:

@ echo off


@ echo on

Save with the bat extension (*. bat) with the file name up to you, then after tersave you can execute the file it can open a CMD

Good Luck
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